Home Education Engagement Ring No-Nos

Engagement Ring No-Nos

by Craig

Most men have at least a vague notion of what to look for when they begin searching for the perfect engagement ring. Size is the biggie (no pun intended), and the style is also a factor that deserves some attention. Often a woman will provide this information, if you pay attention, by pointing out items she likes and dislikes to give you hints about her style preferences. But you may have noticed that nobody ever tells you what to avoid, which could be pretty useful when you’re actually hunting down the ring of her dreams. Luckily, most women are keen to avoid the same things when it comes to jewelry, so here are a few no-nos to know when it comes to selecting the engagement ring.

1. Rings that don’t look like engagement rings. If she puts the ring on her finger, she wants other people to know what it is. So no matter how quirky or unique your girl is, try to get her something that at least looks somewhat like an engagement ring (even if you tart it up with other embellishments).

2. Too-small stones. The size of the stone may serve to indicate her relative value. Of course, you may be working within a budget, but if all you can afford is ring that looks like it came from a Cracker Jacks box, then you may want to save up a bit more money before you buy.

3. Too-large stones. Some people think that a diamond can never be too large, but before you buy a ring worthy of Elizabeth Taylor, consider when (and if) your blushing bride can wear it. If it’s too big, she may be hesitant to wear it out (depending on where she lives and works) for fear of theft. Or it might simply get in her way.

4. The wrong size. This is a blunder that many men make because they either don’t think it’s an important detail, or they don’t know how to find out without blowing the surprise. But when you give your girl an engagement ring, it had better fit the right finger. To find out, simply watch to see what ring she wears on that finger and then size it when she’s not around (use a piece of string and a size chart you can print online). If she wears no ring on that finger, use one from her index or middle finger to guess (fingers on the same hand usually go down by half-sizes).

5. Recycled rings. If you already gave it to another girl, you probably shouldn’t give it to the woman you’re with now. There’s nothing wrong with going to a pawn shop to buy a ring if you simply want to make every dollar count (especially in a recession); just make sure there’s no inscription on the piece you purchase. But giving your true love a ring that was meant for your last love is not only poor taste, it is also a little risky, especially if she’s seen the ring (and you should assume that she has).

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